Tragedy struck at the boarding Govt Science Secondary School Kankara Katsina state recently. Bandits who abduct for ransom reportedly shot their way into the school in broad daylight and herded over 600 students to their hideout.
One of the students who scaled the school perimeter fence to escape abduction, later emerge to state that 528 students were kidnapped.
Of the number abducted, three of them are known to be Catholic Christians. One from Tafoki in Funtua Parish and two others of St. Joseph's Parish, Layin Minista.
The invasion of the Kankara Govt Science Secondary School occurred at the time President Muhammad Buhari visited his home state, Katsina. This is believed to have been done by the criminals to rubbish the President as incapable of restraining them.
Many unverified video clips were circulated on social media over time, showing bandits displaying weapons and challenging the President and his armed forces to a fight.
As usual, President Buhari issued a statement condemning the invasion by the criminals. Many Nigerians have been voicing revulsion for the usual condemnation without corresponding action on insecurity.
The population of students of Govt Science Secondary School Kankara, is believed to be largely muslim making up 99% while christian and non christian students constitute one percent.
President Muhammad Buhari has reportedly ordered the armed forces to locate and rescue the abducted students.
There's a report in the press that the Nigerian Army claims to have located the forest where the students are being held. The report lacks believability because the Army made similar claims after the abduction of over 400 mainly christian female students of Chibok girls secondary school in 2014. They have never been rescued.
Another invasion of Dapchi, a secondary school in Yobe state led to the abduction of hundreds of mostly muslim female students. All but the Christian Leah Sharibu who refused forced conversion to Islam were released.
Katsina is one of the four states making up the Catholic Diocese of Sokoto. Kankara venue of the invasion and abduction is being administered by St. Joseph’s Layin Minista Parish.