Good Friday

The  Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Most Reverend Matthew Hassan Kukah has enjoined all Catholics to contribute generously to the collection taken on Good Friday in aid of the poor and maintenance of the holy places.
He said there're many parts of the world where christians  are living their lives on the edge in  the practice of their faith. Many lost their lives and had their places of worship destroyed. To encourage such Christians under threat and pressure for their faith, the Mother Church tries  to help restore their places  of worship.
He praised Pope Francis for his courage in visiting Christians and joly places in Iraq  and Syria despite reports of security threats.
Bishop Kukah further said the situation in Nigeria is different as there's no direct religious conflict between Christians and Muslims. If there was, Christian clergy would have been targeted even for wearing soutan as it happens in countries where even hanging a Cross is like death sentence.

Bishop Kukah eas speaking at  the Holy Family Cathedral Sokoto at the end of the Passion play on Good Friday, dramatized by members of CAEAN  in Sokoto.
He commended them for properly translating the passion narrative and prayed specifically for God's blessings and guidance for them.

After  the Stations of the Cross earlier in the day at  the Holy Family Cathedral, Sokoto, there was Good Friday service. On entrance into the Church, the Bishop, Most Reverend Matthew Hassan Kukah, the Administrator  of the Cathedral and Chairman of CAN, Fr. Nuhu Iliya and Fr. Stephen Anaedu assisting, all prostrated before the altar in  their nothingness. Thereafter, the three-part service was held - the Liturgy of the Word, the Veneration of the Cross and distribution of Holy  communion. Bishop Kukah commended the worshipping community for taking time out to actively participate in the activities of the Triduum.
