The Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Most Rev. Dr. Matthew Kukah has administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to Seventy (70) Candidates during the celebration of the Feast of Pentecost at Holy Family Cathedral today.
Rev Fr, Patrick Alumuku ‘the communication director of Abuja Archdiocese’ during the homily gave a brief explanation of what the Pentecost is all about and why it's been commemorated.
“Pentecost Sunday is a feast which marks fifty (50) days after the Resurrection.
Feast of Pentecost or Pentecost Sunday is commemorated by Christian Faithful worldwide as the day the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles in the upper room ten (10) days after the ascension of Christ to Heaven.
"The promise of Christ was fulfilled when he said to the Apostles, “I will go but I will not leave you orphans, the Holy Spirit will come- 'the PARACLETE"
“The Pentecost day was the day the apostles were transformed when they received power from on high. It was the day of Courage, the day of Renewal, we can also say the day of Change”.
“The Pentecost was like an explosion in the hearts of the apostles, it gave them new power/kick to be able to go out and evangelize about the Faith they had in Christ”.
"Today, we are happy to be part of that Community which celebrates today d birth of the Holy Church"
"This feast which we mark today was the beginning of the Church”.
Rev Fr. Patrick Alumuku while addressing the candidates who were to receive the sacrament of confirmation, said
“the Holy Spirit will be given to you just as the apostles were given the Holy Spirit, but you are not given the Holy Spirit to keep it to yourself. Like the apostles, you will receive the Holy Spirit so that you will receive strength, energy and courage to be able to preach Christ to others with conviction”.
With this Pentecost,He urged that the Christian Faithful must be desirous to say “CHRIST FIRST AND ABOVE ALL THINGS”.
He prayed for the candidates who were to receive the Sacrament of confirmation and also for those who had previously received the Sacrament that the Holy Spirit may renew them and give them Strength and Courage to share the love of Christ which have been given to them.
In his words, “That no one will meet us and pass us without believing that there is something special that we have received from Christ by what we say and by what we do.