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BISHOP KUKAH; Condoles Pastor Chris and the Embassy Church

BISHOP KUKAH; Condoles Pastor Chris and the Embassy Church




We all woke up on this holy day of the Lord to the tragedy of a fire incident in one of your Churches in the Ikeja axis of Lagos. On behalf of myself and all of us here in Sokoto, please accept our deepest sympathies. We pray that no sacred lives were lost. 



New cycle of Pope’s catechesis begins: The Holy Spirit and the Bride (the Church)

Pope Francis initiated a new cycle of catechesis, after concluding the one dedicated to vices and virtues. The Pope devoted 19 General Audiences to the cycle on vices and virtues. The theme that the Pope will address going forward is «The Spirit and the Bride – the Bride is the Church. The Holy Spirit guides the people of God to encounter Jesus, our hope


‘Priests are not meant to walk alone’, Pope Francis

Meeting with participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Dicastery for the Clergy, the Pope emphasized formation, vocation, and the importance of the permanent diaconate.

By Adriana Masotti

Pope Francis met with participants in the Dicastery for the Clergy’s Plenary Assembly in the Vatican on Thursday morning, focusing on three main aspects: the ongoing formation of priests, the promotion of vocations, and the permanent diaconate.



1445 H. / 2024 A.D.
Christians and Muslims:
Extinguish the Fire of War and Light the Candle of Peace
Vatican City
Dear Muslim brothers and sisters,
Once again we greet you on the occasion of the month of Ramadan with a
message of closeness and friendship, aware of the importance of this month for your
spiritual journey and for your family and social life, which also embraces your
Christian friends and neighbours.


Priest Of Sokoto Diocese Reintegrated By Bishop Kukah After 7 Years Of Absence

The Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Northwest Nigeria, Most Reverend Matthew Hassan Kukah has formally received back to the Diocese, Rev. Fr. Thomas Nwachukwu who left the Diocese on health grounds in 2017.

He reportedly went to Ghana where he fraternized with and pledged loyalty to a pastor, the video of which went viral. He made the trip to Ghana and engaged in such activity without the knowledge and approval of his Bishop. On his return to his Parish in Kaura Namoda, Zamfara State, he came down with stroke.


Bishop Kukah Receives Mundo Negro Award

The Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Northwest Nigeria Most Reverend Matthew Hassan Kukah has received the 2023 Mundo Negro Award.

The award was announced last year by the board of the Spain based Mundo Negro magazine. The focus of the magazine is among others, to identify and honour individuals who, through their work, promote the cause of the black race everywhere in the world.



4: Sadly, with time, Nigerians are gradually losing hope in the ability of their government to protect and secure them. While we religious leaders have continued to use our moral authority to encourage our people not to take the laws into their hands, we risk being swept away by the anger and frustration of our people. We even risk being seen as accomplices to an erring state. The Nigerian state itself risks becoming an undertaker in the eyes of its citizens. Our cups of sorrow are overflowing. We have cried enough tears.


'Keep Watch Over The Heart, Recognize And Reject Evil', Pope Francis

Beginning a new series of catechesis on the virtues and the vices opposed to them, Pope Francis at his weekly General Audience explains how the Scriptures and the masters of the spiritual life urge us to reject evil at its root and highlights the importance of safeguarding the heart.

By Thaddeus Jones

Pope Francis welcomed pilgrims attending his General Audience in the Paul VI Hall on this Wednesday, just two days after Christmas.


Passage Of Governor Akeredolu And Speaker Na'abba: Bishop Kukah's Tribute

I join millions of Nigerians but especially the people of Ondo and Kano States to mourn the death of two of Nigeria’s illustrious sons, His Excellency, Ladi Akeredolu , SAN, now late Governor of Ondo State and Alhaji Ghali Na’abba, former  Speaker of the Federal House of Representatives.  I knew and interacted with both men over the state of our dear country at different fora for well over twenty years.


Sokoto Catholic Diocese Ordains 10 Deacon; The First Since Its Erection

Sokoto Catholic Diocese Ordains 10 Deacon; The First Since Its Erection


History has been made in the Catholic Diocese of Sokoto, Northwest Nigeria with the ordination of ten deacons. Before now, the highest was six, during the time of the late Bishop Emeritus Kevin Aje who passed few years ago.


‘Holy Orders is Reserved for Men’, Pope Francis

Pope Francis reaffirmed the impossibility of women becoming priests, or even modern Church deacons, in an interview for a book released Tuesday in Italy.

The question of whether some women in the early Church were “deaconesses” or another kind of collaborator with the bishops is “not irrelevant, because holy orders is reserved for men,” the pope said.



Synod on Synodality Ends: Proposes Larger Role for Laity

The Vatican released the Synod on Synodality’s “synthesis report” on Saturday night outlining key proposals discussed during the nearly month-long assembly’s confidential conversations.

The highly anticipated text was approved paragraph by paragraph on Oct. 28 by a vote of 344 Synod delegates, which for the first time included women and other non-bishops as voting members.

The document, proposes a “Synodal Church” that implements synodality throughout Church governance, theology, mission, and discernment of doctrine and pastoral issues.


Hurrah. Vatican Births New Diocese In Nigeria

The Vatican has created a new Diocese in Nigeria’s Northwest. It is the Catholic Diocese of Katsina.


The erection of the Katsina Diocese by the Holy Father Pope Francis has just been announced, bringing cheers to Catholics and hopes evangelization.

The news of the erection of the new Diocese came with the appointment of the Rev. Sac Gerald Mamman Musa, of the Catholic Diocese of Sokoto, Professor and Director of the Center for Studies on African Culture and Communication (CESACC) at the “Catholic Institute of West Africa” (CIWA), Port Harcourt, Nigeria.


Bishop Kukah Cuts Nigeria’s Independence Cake In The U.S

That the Catholic Bishop of Sokoto, Northwest Nigeria loves Nigeria with passion is not in doubt.

Even as he arrived South Bend in the United States of America, he had to mark the First October independence of Nigeria by cutting the cake designed with the colour of the Nigerian flag.

His Excellency John Cardinal Onaiyekan, joined Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah and some Priests including Fr. Chris Omotosho of Sokoto Diocese now on study in cutting an Independent cake in a Parish in South Bend
