The Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Northwest Nigeria, Most Reverend Matthew Hassan Kukah has formally received back to the Diocese, Rev. Fr. Thomas Nwachukwu who left the Diocese on health grounds in 2017.
He reportedly went to Ghana where he fraternized with and pledged loyalty to a pastor, the video of which went viral. He made the trip to Ghana and engaged in such activity without the knowledge and approval of his Bishop. On his return to his Parish in Kaura Namoda, Zamfara State, he came down with stroke.
While in the hospital for treatment, he discharged himself and went to his village for treatment on his own terms. In his magnanimity, Bishop Kukah took out time to visit him in his family home at Mbaise, Imo State, Southeast Nigeria.

The Bishop said in a statement that during his visit, Fr. Nwachukwu showed remorse admitting that “he really had no idea what got over him. Later after his health improved, Fr. Nwachukwu applied to be admitted back to the presbyterate of the Catholic Diocese of Sokoto.
After prayerful and careful reflection reflection on his case with the College of Consultors and upon the recommendation of the committee set up to examine it more attentively, they decided to give Fr. Thomas Nwachukwu a second chance. Based on the committee’s recommendation, he was sent to the Benedictine Monastery at Ewu, Edo State on retreat.
Fr. Nwachukwu was formally received by the Bishop and priests during the Chrism Mass at the Holy Family Cathedral, Sokoto on Tuesday, signaling his absorption to the presbytery of the Catholic Diocese of Sokoto.
Full text of Bishop Kukah’s statement is here below.