Bishop Kukah confirms 213, commissions 64 lectors.

During his Pastoral visit to the Malumfashi Deanery, Bishop Mathew Hassan Kukah of the Catholic Diocese of Sokoto administers the Sacrament of Confirmation to about 213 Candidates and instituted 64 Lectors.

The sacrament of Confirmation with Baptism and the Eucharist constitutes the "sacraments of Christian initiation,". Confirmation is the sacrament by which Christians receives a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Through Confirmation, the Holy Spirit gives them the increased ability to practice their Christian faith in every aspect of their lives and to witness Christ in every situation.

The Candidates, having completed the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program were confirmed in St. John's Parish, Gidan Kurma, Malumfashi Deanery of Katsina State. About sixty candidates were confirmed on Friday 25th Nov at the outstations while others were confirmed in the Parish Church on Saturday 26th Nov.

Presenting his homily in Hausa, Bishop Kukah urged the faithful to be conscious of their identity as Christians, hence living to reflect the sign of Christ, whom they have embraced. "You have seen the light and as children of the light, you must live in accordance with the demands of Christ.  

Bishop Mathew Kukah exhorts the candidates to be role models to their neighbours as witnesses to Christ. He urged them to use their talents in such a positive way to the greater glory of God and the service of mankind.

Bishop Kukah confirms 213, commissions 64 lectors.

Welcome song presented to the Bishop at Firi zone during his pastoral visit to st John's gidan kurma. click to listen Sanu da zuwa babamu kuka

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