The Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Northwest Nigeria Most Reverend Matthew Hassan Kukah has received the 2023 Mundo Negro Award.
The award was announced last year by the board of the Spain based Mundo Negro magazine. The focus of the magazine is among others, to identify and honour individuals who, through their work, promote the cause of the black race everywhere in the world.
Most Reverend Matthew Hassan Kukah’s works in Nigeria, Africa and the global space for good governance and improvement in the quality of life of the people especially in developing countries caught the attention of the management and board of governors of the Mundo Negro magazine.
As proof of it’s commitment, an editorial staff of the magazine visited Nigeria last year to assess the opinion of some Nigerians on the work of Bishop Kukah, especially the establishment of the Kukah Centre, Abuja.
The Award has been formally presented to Most Reverend Matthew Hassan Kukah at the Mundo Negro magazine headquarters in Spain.