
Arise and Shine - The Feast of Epiphany

THE THREE WISE MEN: Epiphany of the Lord is an important feast that comes shortly after Christmas, in the early days of January. The word Epiphany comes from Greek verb epiphainesthai, to appear and epiphaneia, which means manifestation (usually associated with a divine being). Thus, Epiphany is the manifestation of Jesus to the outside world. Epiphany also means a wonderful discovery or a great revelation. It is a remembrance of the coming of the Magi or the three Wise Men to the infant Jesus at Bethlehem.


I want to use this medium to congratulate you all for the wonderful support we received marking the Golden Jubilee of our dear Diocese last week. May God the creator of heaven and earth, the one with the all-seeing eyes, let His face shine upon you now and forever, Amen (Num. 6:24, 24:4).