
Message of the Holy Father for the 59th World Day of Social Communications, 24.01.2025

Message of the Holy Father for the 59th World Day of Social Communications, 24.01.2025 


The following is the Message of the Holy Father Francis for the 59th World Day of Social Communications, on the theme: “Share with gentleness the hope that is in your hearts (cf. 1 Pet 3:15-16)”:

Message of the Holy Father

Share with gentleness the hope that is in your hearts (cf. 1 Pet 3:15-16)

Dear brothers and sisters!


Share The Hope In Your Heart With Gentleness

Pope Francis has announced the theme for the 2025, World Communication Day (WCD). The theme is, “Share with gentleness the hope that is in your hearts” (cf. 1Pt 3:15-16). 

e the 59th World Communication Day is scheduled for Sunday 1st June, 2025. The Holy Father says Christians and non-Christians alike, should re-examine the way they communicate with one other.

According to Vatican News, Pope Francis desires through the theme to draw attention to the violence currently prevalent in communication.


New cycle of Pope’s catechesis begins: The Holy Spirit and the Bride (the Church)

Pope Francis initiated a new cycle of catechesis, after concluding the one dedicated to vices and virtues. The Pope devoted 19 General Audiences to the cycle on vices and virtues. The theme that the Pope will address going forward is «The Spirit and the Bride – the Bride is the Church. The Holy Spirit guides the people of God to encounter Jesus, our hope



1445 H. / 2024 A.D.
Christians and Muslims:
Extinguish the Fire of War and Light the Candle of Peace
Vatican City
Dear Muslim brothers and sisters,
Once again we greet you on the occasion of the month of Ramadan with a
message of closeness and friendship, aware of the importance of this month for your
spiritual journey and for your family and social life, which also embraces your
Christian friends and neighbours.


Bishop Kukah Receives Mundo Negro Award

The Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Northwest Nigeria Most Reverend Matthew Hassan Kukah has received the 2023 Mundo Negro Award.

The award was announced last year by the board of the Spain based Mundo Negro magazine. The focus of the magazine is among others, to identify and honour individuals who, through their work, promote the cause of the black race everywhere in the world.


'Keep Watch Over The Heart, Recognize And Reject Evil', Pope Francis

Beginning a new series of catechesis on the virtues and the vices opposed to them, Pope Francis at his weekly General Audience explains how the Scriptures and the masters of the spiritual life urge us to reject evil at its root and highlights the importance of safeguarding the heart.

By Thaddeus Jones

Pope Francis welcomed pilgrims attending his General Audience in the Paul VI Hall on this Wednesday, just two days after Christmas.
